以 Meta 开源 LLaMA(直译为「大羊驼」)系列模型为起点,斯坦福大学等机构的研究人员先后在其上进行「二创」,开源了基于 LLaMA 的 Alpaca(羊驼)、Alpaca-Lora、Luotuo(骆驼)等轻量级类 ChatGPT 模型,大大降低了这类模型的研究、应用门槛,训练、推理成本一再降低。 由于「二创」过于丰富,生物学羊驼属的英文单词都快不够用了,但富有创意的研究者似乎总能给他们的模型找到新名字。近日,来自加州大学伯克利分校、卡内基梅隆大学、斯坦福大学、加州大学圣迭戈分校的研究者们又提出了一个新的模型 ——Vicuna(小羊驼)。这个模型也是基于 LLaMA,不过用到的是 13B 参数量的版本(作者表示,初步人工评测显示 13B 版本比 7B 版本模型要好不少,不过这不是一个严谨的结论)。

史蒂夫AI人工智能视频制造商为社交媒体和内容营销人员创造生活和动画视频。与史蒂夫艾未未的援助,你可以把博客文章、脚本或文本内容为社交媒体的视频。它的特性包括创意AI,搜索AI和完全自动化的解决方案。(Steve AI is an AI video maker for social media and content marketers for creating Live and Animated videos. With Steve AI's assistance, you can turn blog posts, script, or text content into bite-sized videos for social media. It's features include Creative AI, Search AI and Fully Automated Solution.)

打开视频的力量。使用InVideo,每个人都可以创建美观pro视频更好,提供更多的领导和节省时间。我们图书馆的5000模板、转换和效果来帮助您创建视频轻松,快速,高效。不需要下载。(Unlock the power of video. With InVideo, everyone can create great-looking pro videos that engage better, deliver more leads and save time. Our library of 5000+ templates, transitions, and effects is here to help you create videos easily, quickly, and efficiently.No download is required.)

Xpression相机是一个屡获殊荣的虚拟摄像机应用程序,允许用户立即转变成任何人或事,面对一个照片没有任何处理时间。xpression相机屏幕上允许用户重新定义他们的角色在实时聊天等应用变焦,直播在抽动,或创建一个YouTube视频。(Xpression Camera is an award-winning virtual camera app that allows users to instantly transform into anyone or anything with a face with a single photo without any processing time. xpression camera enables users to redefine their onscreen persona in real-time while chatting on apps like Zoom, live streaming on Twitch, or creating a YouTube video.)

创造一个完美的纹身设计与你的个人AI-powered纹身艺术家如果你有纹身的想法但是找不到正确的设计,让我们的AI在几秒内生成一个。这允许您创建完美的设计基于你喜欢什么,和它会给你无限的选项,这样对每个人都有一些。(Create the perfect tattoo design with your personal AI-powered tattoo artist If you have an idea for a tattoo but can't find the right design, let our AI generate one within seconds. It lets you create the perfect design based on what you like, and it will give you unlimited options so that there's something for everyone.)

解释我五(ELI5)是一个网站,简化了复杂的主题使用AI,连小孩子都能理解他们。用户可以选择一个特定的主题,选择如何愚蠢的他们想要的解释,从“非常愚蠢”到“很聪明”。一些例子——“计算机如何工作?”和“生活的意义是什么?”(Explain Like I'm Five (ELI5) is a website that simplifies complex topics using AI so that even a child can understand them. Users can select a specific topic and choose how dumbed-down they want the explanation to be, ranging from "really dumb" to "really smart". Some examples are - "How do computers work?" and "What is the meaning of life?")

你可以深入交谈一些有影响力的和引人入胜的历史数据。生成的对话是人工智能,所以不要把它当回事儿。每一个对话是独一无二的,你永远不知道会去哪里。(You'll be able to have in-depth conversations with some influential and fascinating figures from history. The conversations are generated by AI, so don't take them too seriously. Each conversation is unique and you never know where it will go.)

Riffusion生成音乐从文本提示。尝试你喜欢的风格,乐器萨克斯或小提琴,修饰符像阿拉伯语或牙买加,流派像爵士乐或福音,听起来就像教堂的钟声或雨,或任何组合(Riffusion generates music from text prompts. Try your favorite styles, instruments like saxophone or violin, modifiers like arabic or jamaican, genres like jazz or gospel, sounds like church bells or rain, or any combination)

安培的使命是使任何人创造性地通过音乐表达自己不管他们的背景,经验,或对资源的访问。安培构建工具由我们创造性的AI来帮助人们创建和定制原创音乐。他们还提供一个API,您可以使用它们来创建你自己的产品。(Amper’s mission is to enable anyone to express themselves creatively through music regardless of their background, expertise, or access to resources. Amper builds tools powered by our Creative AI to help people create and customize original music. They also provide an API that you can use to create your own products.)

Songtell首次AI-generated歌曲含义库生成超过20000首歌的含义。你也可以订购一海报印着你最喜欢的歌曲的意思。看看他们的subreddit r / songtell更多细节!(Songtell is the first ever AI-generated song meanings repository with over 20000 song meanings generated. You can also order a poster with your favourite song's meaning printed on it. Check out their subreddit r/songtell for more details!)

所有的故事结束了。除了这一个。无尽的视觉小说是一个AI讲故事比赛,所有资产——图形、音乐、故事和人物——是由人工智能生成你玩。没有两个playthroughs会是相同的。(All stories come to an end. Except this one. Endless Visual Novel is an AI storytelling game where all assets — graphics, music, story and characters — are generated by AI as you play. No two playthroughs will ever be the same.)

Promptist是一个提示界面稳定扩散v1-4优化用户输入model-preferred提示。在线演示拥抱脸空间使用CPU,所以生成速度慢是预期。请在本地负荷模型与gpu更快的生成。(Promptist is a prompt interface for Stable Diffusion v1-4 that optimizes user input into model-preferred prompts. The online demo at Hugging Face Spaces is using CPU, so slow generation speed would be expected. Please load the model locally with GPUs for faster generation.)

PromptLayer是第一平台,允许您跟踪和管理你的GPT促使工程。PromptLayer行为之间的中间件代码和OpenAI的python库。PromptLayer记录你所有的OpenAI API请求,允许您搜索请求和探索历史PromptLayer仪表板。(PromptLayer is the first platform that allows you to track, and manage your GPT prompt engineering. PromptLayer acts a middleware between your code and OpenAI’s python library. PromptLayer records all your OpenAI API requests, allowing you to search and explore request history in the PromptLayer dashboard.)

RTutor是一个基于ai的应用程序,可以快速生成R和测试代码。由API调用OpenAI达芬奇(ChatGPT的兄弟姐妹),RTutor将自然语言转换为R脚本,然后在闪亮的执行平台。R减价可以生成源文件和HTML报告。看看这里的github回购:https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor(RTutor is an AI-based app that can quickly generate and test R code. Powered by API calls to OpenAI's Davinci (ChatGPT's sibling), RTutor translates natural languages into R scripts, which are then executed within the Shiny platform. An R Markdown source file and HTML report can be generated. Check out the github repo here: https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor)

常识的机器提供了api、接口和开放源码软件综合输入和经验转化为数字内容创建和AI培训模拟器。我们相信,学习世界模型生成系统的路径实现AGI通讯社,类似于一个孩子对其世界从经验中学习。(Common Sense Machines provides APIs, interfaces, and open source software to translate multi-modal inputs and experiences into a digital simulator for AI training and content creation. We believe that learning generative world models is a systematic path towards achieving AGI, similar to how a child learns about its world from experience.)

加速你的视力AI模型创建。合成数据是一种廉价的替代真实世界数据用于训练和提高人工智能模型。为了培养准确的人工智能模型,大量的数据是必要的。使用真实的3 d模型可以很容易地创建合成人工智能分类和数据对象检测。(Accelerate Your Vision AI Model Creation. Synthetic data is an inexpensive alternative to real world data that is used to train and improve AI models. In order to train accurate AI models, a large amount of data is needed. With use of realistic 3D models you can easily create synthetic data for AI classification and object detection.)

一套简单易用的(A set of easy-to-use & cutting-edge NLP APIs. Popular APIs: Text Generation - Rewriter/Paraphraser Summarizer Integrate text analysis that is quick and strong into your apps. From topic categorization to sentiment analysis and entity extraction, we've got you covered. Make it happen in a matter of days, not months! Text analysis: Plagiarism Checker; Custom classifiers; Sentiment Analysis; Named-entity Recognition)
与人工智能生成内容。Thundercontent用到人工智能来帮助你写独特的文章以光速在任何话题。量表内容策略。克服写作障碍。您还可以使用Thundercontent生成音频。(Generate Content with AI. Thundercontent uses artificial intelligence to help you write unique articles on any topic at the speed of light. Scale your content strategy. Overcome writer's block. You can also generate audio using Thundercontent.)

首先AI-Powered SEO行动平台创建的网站排名在谷歌通过给我们的人工智能的一个关键字。提高你的搜索页面排名,有机CTR,停留时间和Pogo粘感谢我们有机交通从数以百万计的真正的桌面和移动设备连接来自高层住宅IPs的移动运营商从世界的所有位置。(First AI-Powered SEO Action Platform Create websites that rank on Google by just giving one keyword to our Artificial Intelligence. Boost your SERPs rankings, organic CTR, Dwell time and Pogo Sticking thanks to our organic traffic from millions of real Desktop and Mobile devices connected from residential IPs of top Mobile Carriers from all locations of the World.)

需要独特的内容吗?看如何重写一篇文章到45秒500篇文章。ENL技术,旋转重写是完美的工具需要独特的搜索引擎优化专家,人口素质内容在谷歌上排名更高。(Need unique content? Watch how to rewrite a single article into 500 articles in 45 seconds. With ENL technology, Spin Rewriter is the perfect tool for SEO specialists that need unique, human-quality content to rank higher on Google.)