Shumai是一个开源、快速网络连接,可微的张量库打印稿(和JavaScript)。用包软件工程师和研究人员的手电筒。(Shumai is an open-source, fast, network-connected, differentiable t...
问答对任何Github库。输入一个Github库,我们将下载到服务器并创建嵌入的代码。回购需要公开,< 200文件,< 100 mb。(Question answering against any Github repository. Input a Github repository, we will download it to the server and create embeddings against the code. Repos need to be public, <200 files, and <100MB.)
月光交换是一个科学平台,利用100多个数据源的数据提供情报和洞察整个创新生态系统。(Moonbeam Exchange is a data science platform that leverages over 100 data sources to provide intelligence and insight to the entire innovation ecosystem.)
使用普通语言生成API请求。HTTPie使这些构建的工具api的简单和直观。(Generate API requests using plain language. HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time.)
Textomap是一个web应用程序和浏览器扩展,它允许用户从任何文本生成交互式地图包含位置在几秒钟内。没有代码、电子表格、或复杂的工具-你的话就足够了。(Textomap is a web app and browser extension that enables users to generate interactive maps from any text containing locations in seconds. No code, spreadsheets, or complex tools - your words are enough.)
租金云gpu从0.2美元/小时。节省超过80�在gpu上。GPU租车很容易对PyTorch Jupyter, Tensorflow或其他人工智能框架。(Rent Cloud GPUs from $0.2/hour. Save over 80% on GPUs. GPU rental made easy with Jupyter for PyTorch, Tensorflow or any other AI framework.)
#VALUE!(GPU Everything. Run anything Dockerized. Run autoscale Inference. Save costs 50-90%.)