本站优智创想智能工具导航提供的Nuclia都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由优智创想智能工具导航实际控制,在2023-04-22 18:22收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,优智创想智能工具导航不承担任何责任。
一套简单易用的(A set of easy-to-use & cutting-edge NLP APIs. Popular APIs: Text Generation - Rewriter/Paraphraser Summarizer Integrate text analysis that is quick and strong into your apps. From topic categorization to sentiment analysis and entity extraction, we've got you covered. Make it happen in a matter of days, not months! Text analysis: Plagiarism Checker; Custom classifiers; Sentiment Analysis; Named-entity Recognition)
RTutor是一个基于ai的应用程序,可以快速生成R和测试代码。由API调用OpenAI达芬奇(ChatGPT的兄弟姐妹),RTutor将自然语言转换为R脚本,然后在闪亮的执行平台。R减价可以生成源文件和HTML报告。看看这里的github回购:https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor(RTutor is an AI-based app that can quickly generate and test R code. Powered by API calls to OpenAI's Davinci (ChatGPT's sibling), RTutor translates natural languages into R scripts, which are then executed within the Shiny platform. An R Markdown source file and HTML report can be generated. Check out the github repo here: https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor)